A study of Nepal obviously not only means the study of the geography, economy, the pattern of spiritualism based on the Vedic Sanatan Dharma and the co-existence of Buddhism but also the ethnology of the different races. To know and study the different races that inhibit Nepal is both very interesting and simultaneously rewarding for all and me.
From the Gopalas to HinduKiratis, from where Nepal’s dated history starts, to the Lacchavis to the present times Nepal has seen a chain of changes in its culture, spiritualism, beliefs and blend in religions that can make it proud. Though Nepal has always had a strong “Hindu” background and culture but its very fine amalgamation with Buddhism and other religions has been an exemplary system of synergicco-existence of different cultures to follow as anexample for the world.
As such the geography of Nepal and the resulting demography has always had a big impact on the outlook ad characteristic of the inhabitants of Nepal.
The earliest known inhabitants of Nepal are the Chepangs (that still exist in present days), the Kusundas and the Hayu andRaute tribes. Their numbers are very small and are decreasing day by day though after the advent by multi party democracy in Nepal their plights have been highlighted and major concern and works are on way to preserve their identity and culture. Though they have their own language they can now understand and converse in Nepali. The Tharus, Boksan, Mecheys and Newars have also been known to live in Nepal from the earliest times.
It seems to appear that before the people with Vedic Sanatan civilization became the dominant rulers of the Indian sub-continent, an earlier civilization flourished in most parts of India and Nepal. Experts have felt and opined that this civilization flourished at the same time as the Mohenjodaro and Harappa civilizations.
The northern boundary of Nepal saw migration for various reasons that overcame the massive Himalayan passes to come down to the mid hills of Nepal. The Limbus, Rais and Murmis in the east of Nepal absorbed the brunt of the migration. The Sherpas, Tamangs, Lamas created their own space and identity in the higher echelons of the entire Himalayan range whereas, the Magars and Gurungs did the same in the mid-regions of Nepal.
The Brahmanical religious influence has been dominant in the Nepali diaspora from the earliest inception of this nation. Even before she officially got the name Nepal the influence of Vedic Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) has been a significant and predominant spiritual influence. Though Nepal has 84% population of practicing Sanatan Vedic Dharma, over 90% of Hindu and Buddhist combined form of one interfaith ideology that also includes a significant population of Jain and Sikh followers have been living in Nepal since a long time.
So the gamut of people living in Nepal from the 4 castes as per the Sanatan Dharma culture to all the different tribes and communities that presently live and exist in harmony in Nepal is unique and exemplary form of co-existence unsurpassed till now in this world full of turmoil and clashing ideologies.