Tourism needs and needed no explanation on its huge all round importance in the development of every nook and corner of a country and for the people it impacts. The spectacular growth of tourism and its benefits in the economy of Nepal is all so apparent and definitely needs no explanations too. Rudyard Kipling’s “ The wildest dreams of Kew are the streets of Kathmandu” infected the element of curiosity in travellers in the past and has presented that awe till today.
Definition of tourism since it was coined from as early as 1910 states tourism as a movement of foreigners (basically people from other countries) is mainly of economic nature. Tourism has also been defined as a source of importing of foreign currency from outside resources into the country that helps in the development works of different strata of the region, city or country it is being spent in .The impact of this type of travelling by individuals and groups thus has a huge impact and implications and significance in the environment of progress and social changes in the modern day as it had when this industry started. Coming to the turmoil in the tourism industry because of Covid-19, the government needs to talk and consult all stake holders to make sure and ensure that all are consulted. Planned guidelines need to be introduced and implemented and monitored to eventual success as more and more Covid-19 free environment scenario develops in the world. The restrictions and regulations, though should be relaxed in a planned and systematic way as the pandemic eases and is slowly overcome.
“Back to the future” domestic tourism should be a stop gap plan that will help system the tourism sector further till normalcy prevails.
Tourism gloom needs to be tackled by a joint approach by all concerned and work towards tackling the situation and not aggravating it to a panic state.So:-
As such, travel outlets need to innovate for the hour and create packages and programs that suits domestic travellers. Be creative and help survive and simultaneously consider it as an opportunity to build up local tourism and know yourself and your country opportunity. Who knows what the future will throw at us??.Encouraging and nurturing domestic tourism has to be a larger design and planning for the survival of the tourism “scenario” as a whole for Nepal. The government policies, monetary relief and concession should go hand in hand as a stop gap solution for its survival till full fledged market starts to re-invigorate the economic scene.
Countries like France , Spain , Portugal, Italy, Brazil, Thailand , Cambodia and many others which rely on the income generated by tourism have suffered very high mortality, have started accepting tourists with a clear two weeks negative history to Covid-19 individuals. Spectacular growth of tourism throughout the world has gone through its usual ups and downs in the past though the very significant role tourism plays and played in the development of many countries including Nepal, again needs no emphasizing. Subsequently the overall contribution it generated in the field of economic development of a nation needs no elaboration too. Creating social awareness, technical know-how, advancing the educational and health sectors has seen phenomenal advancement as tourism impacts on a country. Such high levels of contribution made by the tourism industry are indeed true. But the extra ordinary circumstance that brought about a complete collapse of the global tourism travel phenomena due to the utmost unprofessional handling of the wuhan virus needs no explanation either. It shows how weak and ill prepared the human race is to face the wrath of mother nature or human callousness. So respecting, dealing and reusing nature’s resources should be the absolute reason for survival of the human race. As such we need to innovate our tourism industry and again I emphasize the first step is, promoting domestic tourism and local products. Nepal has so much to offer not only to outsiders but to our own too. So, lets fight and win this war and survive and live. So that, the coming generations will thank us for the way we handled the whole pandemic with grit, determination and good sensible planning to survive for them to live to and bloom.
Gajendra Bahadur Jung Chettri